Nothing halts a deal faster than a hunt for paystubs. Our new tool lets customers share their proof of income instantly, and all from their phone.
To text your customer a link to generate their income report, hit the
"Send Link to Customer" button within the Octane Lending platform.
Customers will receive the text right to their phone & are prompted to begin next steps.
Customers will follow the link to The Closing Docs application and connect their bank login.
Your customer will review their income report, confirm that it looks good, and share with Roadrunner Financial.
Roadrunner Financial will receive your customer's report and our team will review
it within minutes. Once the report is verified, you'll see it reflected within the platform.
Happy Funding! © 2020 Roadrunner Financial, All rights reserved. 116 W 32nd St. 9th Floor, New York, NY 10001