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How do I make a payoff?

We accept all methods of payment for a payoff (online, phone, mail). For the fastest release of the title/lien please mail a cashier’s check as other methods can result in a 30-day delay of title release.

To access your payoff amount:

  • Online: Visit our payments portal at Navigate to the loan details section of your loan to view the payoff amount.

To payoff your loan:

  • Online: Pay online by visiting our payments portal at The maximum card payment at our online portal is $3k so you must use a bank account if your payoff is greater.
  • By Mail: Pay with check or money order by printing your account number on the front of the document and mailing it to the Roadrunner address listed below:

Roadrunner Account Services
P.O. Box 6506
Carol Stream, IL 60197

  • By Mail Overnight: If you need to mail in your payoff overnight, pay with check or money order by printing your account number on the front of the document and mailing it to the Roadrunner address listed below:

Roadrunner Account Services
4851 Regent Blvd, Suite 100
Irving, TX 75063

  • By Phone: Make a payment 24/7 by calling (833) 702-0076 and using our automated system; or speak with a Representative by calling (833) 288-1367 during operating hours of:

Mon – Thurs: 8AM – 7PM CST
Fri: 8AM – 5PM CST