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Total Loss Insurance Claim

Q. What information do I need to provide Roadrunner Account Services if I have totaled my unit in a wreck or the unit was stolen?

A: You will need to provide the following information to one of our agents or you can send the information through email to

Provide as follows:

  1. Name on the account
  2. Account number
  3. Type of Loss – Stolen or Total Loss (wrecked)
  4. Insurance Company
  5. Insurance Company Phone Number
  6. Insurance Claim Number
  7. Complete VIN
  8. Settlement Amount Expected from Insurance (if known)
  9. Release Title to Address – where does the title need to be sent once insurance proceeds are received
  10. Date of Loss
  11. Does your contract have GAP insurance? Yes or No
  12. Name of representation at the insurance company and the extension
  13. Advise your insurance company to email the valuation and settlement statement to
  14. Any additional notes or information we should be aware of
  15. Email address for Letter of Guarantee to be sent to (your insurance company)

Q. What do I need to do if I have an insurance check needing to be endorsed for collateral that is not deemed a total loss but needs to be repaired?

A: You will need to endorse the back of the check from the insurance company and submit a repair order from the shop doing the work complete with their address and phone number.

If you are doing the work yourself, you need to send Roadrunner the endorsed check along with a note advising of your intentions to complete the repairs yourself.

In either case, we will hold the check until the repairs have been completed. You are responsible for paying for the repairs and /or the parts out of your pocket until the unit passes our inspection.

Once repairs are completed contact us directly and we will arrange to have someone go to where the unit is located to inspect it. If the unit has been repaired to our satisfaction, we will endorse and return the insurance check to you..

Once inspection is completed and repairs completed to our satisfaction, then we will return the endorsed check to you, but not before.

Q: If my insurance company advises they will be paying off my loan in total, what should I do?

A: Continue to make scheduled payments on your account until the insurance settlement is received so not to not adversely impact your payment history or credit rating reporting. If after the insurance check is applied and there is a surplus (overpayment) on the account, that overage will be mailed to you at your address on record.

Q: If the insurance company advises the insurance settlement will not clear the balance owed on my loan, what should I do?

A: You must continue to pay your scheduled payments until your loan is paid in full. If your account becomes past due this may impact your payment history or credit rating reporting.

Q:If the insurance settlement will not clear the balance on the account and I have GAP coverage:


  1. Our team will contact you as a courtesy reminder that you have a GAP policy
  2. It is your responsibility to file a GAP claim.
    1. We will provide you with any required documents and be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have with regards to filing the claim
  3. You must continue to pay your scheduled payments until you loan is paid in full. If your account becomes past due this may impact your payment history or credit rating reporting.

Q: Do I have the option to keep the salvage?

A: Roadrunner Account Services does not allow you to keep the salvage as that will severely impact the amount your insurance company will pay to settle the loan.